The Prattsburgh Voice

Neighbors United to Safeguard the
Health, Safety, and Natural Beauty of our Prattsburgh Home

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It’s Time to Push Back

On September 23, ORES totally disregarded the need for proper setbacks and approved a Final Permit for Prattsburgh Wind Farm. This is infuriating, but we are not giving up.

Those of you who have been around for a while will remember that fifteen or so years ago, two other wind companies —  Ecogen and Global Winds — nearly gained a foothold in our Town. We fought back and they finally gave up. We can do it again.

We Need Your Help with a Legal Challenge

The PPA has hired an attorney to challenge the terms of the Permit. We can tell you more once it’s public, but in the meantime we are asking you to donate whatever you can toward legal expenses. Any amount you can spare will get us closer to our goal of $25,000 needed to fight for safer setbacks and protect our rights.

You can donate by check or credit card by clicking the DONATE button provided below. Your gift can be one-time or monthly – both are appreciated. You will get a receipt for your donation in your email.

The money transfer app we use allows us to collect all of the money that is donated. You can tip them if you like, but it isn’t required – either way, click the dropdown by the heart symbol, select ‘Other,’ and indicate any amount or 0.

Please be aware that the PPA is a 501(c)4 corporation, which means that your gift is not tax-deductible. You are, however, taking advantage of the opportunity to protect our environment and way of life, as well as invest in the continued health and safety of our area.


We will keep you up-to-date with news and information when the lawsuit is presented to the State and as it progresses.

Spread the Word

Please tell your family, friends and neighbors and urge them to donate if they can. We also need volunteers to make phone calls and post messages on social media to help our cause.

As always, letters have an impact. See below for where to write to our representatives. Let them know about the concerns we have if the wind farm is built:

  • negative effects on physical and mental health
  • audible and inaudible noise that can cause physical and mental problems
  • shadow flicker
  • harm to bird/animal species and insects from collision or vibration
  • migration of animals away from the area (including deer)
  • effect on pollinators
  • disturbance to domestic animals, particularly reproductive
  • loss of property value
  • loss of livelihoods and leisure activities
  • strain on roads
  • loss of tax revenue as residents move out
  • little demonstrated benefit to taxpayers and host communities
  • prevention of Mercy Flights to turbine areas
  • wind energy companies’ lack of accountability or concern for the local community
  • effect on viewshed
  • damage to water wells and disturbance of wetlands
  • visual disturbance and dangers of overhead transmission lines
  • clear cutting of forests
  • displacement of soil for underground transmission lines
  • inefficiency of wind energy compared to other energy sources
  • turbines’ dependence on fossil fuels
  • turbines constructed of rare and/or non-recyclable materials
  • danger of ice and blade throw
  • possibility of fire

Write Emails and Letters

Another way you can help is to send emails, or even better, take the time to write an old-fashioned letter. Tell state officials how you expect living with wind turbines will impact you, your family, and your community. Let them know our basic rights to health and safety are being side-lined. We need their advocacy to preserve and protect our homes and land in rural New York.

Write an email, copying in these ORES officials:

Meave Tooher, General Counsel
James McClymonds, Administrative Law Judge
Nathan Stone, Public Information Officer
Hayley Carlock, Deputy Counsel
Dawn MacKillop-Soller, Administrative Law Judge
Christopher McEneney-Chan, Administrative Law Judge

For maximum impact, address a letter directly to this ORES attorney:
Meave Tooher
General Counsel, Office of Renewable Energy Siting
c/o: OGS Mailroom
Empire State Plaza
240 State Street
P-1 South, J Dock
Albany, N.Y. 12242

Write to Your Local, State, and US Representatives
If you are moved to go to the next level, write to any of your elected representatives. State Senator Thomas O’Mara in particular has expressed opposition to the state’s spending on renewable energy projects. Click here for where to write.

Join PPA and volunteer to help with an email or a phone call to:
(585) 683-7521

And finally, be sure to browse the extensive selection of articles and documentary videos we offer here to help you learn more about wind turbines and how they affect people’s lives.