
Wind-Energy Projects Alter Ecosystem Structure

Impact of noise pollution on wildlife communication, survival, and biodiversity:

A framework for understanding noise impacts on wildlife: an urgent conservation priority

Queen’s University Belfast | Dr. Hansjoerg Kunc

Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community

Songsbirds are struggling with noise pollution

Do wind turbines harm animals?

Urban noise pollution: how loud city noises harm animals – and threatens the survival of some species

Can wind turbines harm wildlife?

Impact of industrial wind turbines on flying creatures:

Bats Killed in Large Numbers at United States Wind Energy Facilities

Behavioral Responses of Bats to Operating Wind Turbines

Overview of Bats and IWT

Topography drives migratory flight altitude of golden eagles: implications for on-shore wind energy development

Behavioural and environmental correlates of soaring-bird mortality at on-shore wind turbines

(1:03:32-1:04:45, 1:21:35-1:24:06, 1:28:40-1:29:15, 1:30:43-1:31:41): DOWN WIND – Wind Farm Documentary – FULL DOC in HD

Example of miscarriage in mammals as a part of vibroacoustic disease caused by industrial wind turbines: Mass spontaneous abortion and death at mink farm following the arrival of industrial wind turbines, necessitating closure of the farm (and abandonment of the adjacent home, also due to vibroacoustic disease) (15:19-20:16):

Invited Talk: Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira

Example of genotoxic effects as a part of vibroacoustic disease caused by industrial wind turbines in animals (as could also occur in people):

Family with wind turbines in close proximity to home: follow-up of the case presented in 2007

Stray voltage/”dirty energy”; and examples of the harm it causes to life:

Stray Voltage and Dairy Farms Can Lead to Large Damage Awards

(1:00:25-1:03:45): DOWN WIND – Wind Farm Documentary – FULL DOC in HD

Separating earthworms from organic media using an electric field

Stray voltage and developmental, reproductive and other toxicology problems in dogs, cats and cows: a discussion.

(For more on health impacts of and vibroacoustic disease resulting from industrial wind turbine exposure in humans and animals, see Health.)

Concern of industrializing the natural landscape, destroying ecosystems, disrupting migratory patterns, and thwarting and loss of life in rural areas targeted and threatened by the wind power industry:

Industrial Wind Energy: Incompatible With Hunting

Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

(7:00-8:35): Renewable Energy is The Scam We All Fell For

Wind Farms Cause More Environmental Impact Than Previously Thought

Renewing Destruction: Wind Energy Development, Conflict and Resistance in a Latin American Context

If Renewables Are So Great for the Environment, Why Do They Keep Destroying It?

Concrete: the most destructive material on Earth

(35:52-37:33): Two NY Neighbors of Industrial Wind Farms

Examples of well contamination and water-affecting geologic changes due to industrial wind turbine construction and operation:

The Attica Reservoir, wind turbines and drinking water

Wind farms and groundwater impacts: A practice guide to EIA and Planning considerations

Wind turbines and water wells: opinion

EPA charges tied to Chatham-Kent wind projects

EPA: Concrete Washout


(34:15-34:37): Public opposes Villenova town board’s 600 ft turbines

Mercury pollution caused by large-scale concrete production such as that involved in embedding massive industrial wind turbines deep into the earth:

(10:10-10:23): Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

(1:04:59-1:05:28): DOWN WIND – Wind Farm Documentary – FULL DOC in HD

UN Environment: Mercury release from the cement industry

A mercury loophole the size of a cement plant

“Rare Earths” and devastation of environments and communities in China:

PBS Newshour: Are Wind Turbine Rare Earth Minerals Too Costly for Environment?

China’s Illegal Rare Earth Mines Pollute Local Villages: Main Victims of Mines Run by Gangsters Are Peasants

Poison wind power: the shocking environmental damage they don’t want you to see

Pollution on a disastrous scale – Environmental Cost of Wind Turbine Manufacturing

(1:05-2:50): No wind turbines! Cassadaga NY residents

Industrial wind turbines increase local cost of electricity:

(21:32-21:58, 29:35-42:35): DOWN WIND – Wind Farm Documentary – FULL DOC in HD

(6:24-8:25): Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

(00:15-00:35, 13:08-13:37): Renewable Energy is The Scam We All Fell For

(3:05-3:33): No wind turbines! Cassadaga NY residents

(38:05-39:05): Two NY Neighbors of Industrial Wind Farms

Industrial wind power increases CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions (when it displaces nuclear and hydropower instead of power from fossil fuels or coal, as it normally does), worsening global warming, and is joined at the hip with the fossil fuel industry:

(55:37-57:15, 59:22-59:40, 1:06:43-1:21:21, 1:29:00-1:32:13): DOWN WIND – Wind Farm Documentary – FULL DOC in HD

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

(37:30-38:05): Two NY Neighbors of Industrial Wind Farms

(13:05-14:25, 15:10-17:32): Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia