Social Justice

Industrial Wind Turbine Development and Loss of Social Justice?

Hawaii Protests Show Why Wind Energy Can’t Save Us From Climate Change

Sick from infrasound, they fight against wind turbines
(Go to 06:52-10:18)

Two NY Neighbors of Industrial Wind Farms
(Go to 34:30-34:55)

“GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!” Big Wind Is Coming – Arkwright, NY (Part 1)
(Go to 12:40-13:08, 33:47-34:03)

Turbine complaints get louder: Arkwright

Concern for the Amish of Prattsburgh and surrounding area
(Go to 41:50-41:57)

Talk of Cleburne County’s exemption from wind farm regulations dominates commission meeting

CA wind facilities want permits that will allow them to harm eagles

Terra-Gen wind project denied by Planning Commission in surprise vote