Major Expansion of Industrial Wind Power Doesn’t Automatically Reduce Global Warming

Verification of Green Claims Sought: Chautauqua Legislature

DOWN WIND – Wind Farm documentary – FULL DOC in HD
(55:37-57:15, 59:22-59:40, 1:06:43-1:21:21, 1:29:00-1:32:13)

Major Expansion of Renewables Doesn’t Automatically Lower Carbon Emissions – In Practice, Often Increases Them

Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

Hawaii Protests Show Why Wind Energy Can’t Save Us From Climate Change

Two NY Neighbors of Industrial Wind Farms

Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia
(13:05-14:25, 15:10-17:32)

Predatory corporate industrial wind turbine projects evade addressing the true causes of the climate emergency and instead perpetuate a specious green-wash of the same industrialization, environmental destruction, and unchecked capitalism benefiting only a very few responsible for it:

Green Capitalism: A Critical Review of the Literature